| 1. | Zhou ping ? sen , wang hui ? zhen . a primary side clamping topology for two ? transistor forward converter j . power electronics , 2003 , 37 ( 5 ) : 4749 周平森,王慧贞.一种双管正激变换器的初级箝位电路j .电力电子技术, 2003 , 37 ( 5 ) : 4749 |
| 2. | In order to eliminate the voltage oscillation caused by the reverse recovery of the rectifier diodes , a resonant inductance and two clamping diodes can be introduced to the primary side 为了消除输出整流管的电压尖峰,可以在原边加入一个谐振电感和两个箝位二极管。 |
| 3. | In addition , the electromagnetic transients of normal operating - current state , primary side large current fault state and primary side open - circuit fault state are simulated 对该电流互感器正常工作电流状态、一次侧大电流故障状态及一次侧开路故障状态的电磁暂态过程进行了仿真。 |
| 4. | For example , if the primary key of the table on the primary side of the relationship is made up of two columns , you will need to match each of those columns with a column in the table for the foreign key side of the relationship 例如,如果关系主键侧的表的主键由两列组成,您将需要将这两列中的每一列与关系外键侧的表中的列匹配。 |
| 5. | With the compensator , the accuracy of an 2 grade current transformers can be improved to less than the 0 . 2 grade standard at 100 % rating when the primary side current is changed from 2 % to 120 % of the rating 在实验中将准确度为2级的电流互感器经过补偿以后一次电流从额定值的5变化到120时,电流互感器的测量误差不超过一次电流额定值100时准确度为0 . 2级的测量标准。 |
| 6. | Abstract : based on principle of minimal leakage magnetic field energy for current distribution of parallel coils in the primary side of transformer and also on finite element method , the method for calculating the current distribution of parallel coils in the primary side is studied and solved 文摘:以变压器一次各并联线圈的电流分配一定满足漏磁场能量最小原理为基础,结合有限元方法研究了计算一次各并联线圈电流分配的方法。 |
| 7. | Impedance - matching balanced traction transformers ( balanced transformers in this paper for short ) are step - down transformers , they transfer symmetrical three phase voltage in primary side to perpendicular two phase voltage in secondary side . they are different from any other transformers , so their short - circuit current analysis and short - circuit test method must be taken into special account 阻抗匹配平衡牵引变压器(本文中简称平衡变压器)是一种将一次侧三相对称电压变换为二次侧二相垂直电压的降压变压器,它不同于已有的任何一种变压器,短路电流的分析计算和短路试验必须予以重新研究。 |
| 8. | The author has finished the following several jobs in core of the centre : 1 ) the active compensation method based on bang - bang control was put forward to realize the wide range current transformer . the method converts the complex statement space to i / o description by the two - stage current transformer . with the compensation method , the accuracy of 0 . 2 grade current transformer can be improved to less than the 0 . 1 grade standard at 100 % rating when the primary side current is changed from 2 % to 120 % of the rating 围绕这一工作核心,作者完成了以下几项工作: ( 1 )以实现宽量程电流互感器为目标,提出了基于bang - bang控制的有源补偿方法,采用双级电流互感器,将复杂的状态控制分量转化为偏差控制,该方法结构简单,调试方便,有源补偿器输出电流小,可以将0 . 2级的电流互感器经过补偿后提高到一次电流从额定值的2变化到120时,测量误差不超过一次电流额定值100时准确度为0 . 1级的测量标准。 |
| 9. | Based on comparison between the parallel - parallel and parallel - serial combination ttfc , a novel two - transistor forward converter with parallel - serial / serial combination is proposed . this converter reduces greatly the current overshoot of the primary side switches and the voltage overshoot of the rectifying diodes . moreover , the size and weight of the converter can also be reduced by interleaving technique and increasing frequency 本文在对并-串型和并-并型双管正激组合变换器进行了详细比较研究的基础上,提出了一种新型并-串串型双管正激组合变换器,该组合变换器可以大大减小原边开关管的电流应力和副边整流电路中二极管的电压应力;通过交错控制及提高开关频率,大大提高了变换器的功率密度。 |
| 10. | Firstly , the basic theory of full - bridge phase - shift zvs pwm converters are expatiated and another three kinds of circuits of full - bridge phase - shift zvs pwm converters are discussed . there are four kinds of problems which are emphasized : how to expand the zvs range ; how to reduce the circulation in the primary side of the transformer in order to minimize the on state losses ; how to decrease the loss of effective duty circle and how to eliminate the parasitic oscillation of the output rectifiers 本文首先分析了基本的全桥移相zvsdc dc变换器的工作原理,为解决滞后桥臂不易实现零电压开关( zvs )的情况,讨论了另外三种全桥移相zvsdc dc变换器的电路拓扑,重点分析并解决了四个方面的问题:如何扩大zvs的负载范围;减小变压器原边环流,降低变换器系统通态损耗;减少变压器次边有效占空比丢失;消除输出整流二极管的寄生振荡。 |